Sunday 14 December 2014

Advent: 14 December

Something that I have been taught this week is that plans are there to help me and I am not a slave to them!
It doesn't matter that we've not done the stories that we planned.
It doesn't matter that we've not done the related activities.
It doesn't matter that we've not done the Lolly Stick activities.
What does matter is that we've looked after each other and tried, as best as we can, to enjoy each others company and keep our focus on God. I've struggled health-wise, which means I've struggled with family dynamics and have been grumpier than usual, but we've ended our days with hugs and prayers.

Jesse Tree Activity

I was probably slightly optimistic in planning to back Crown Biscuits (related to David being anointed as king) on a Sunday afternoon as time is limited and the kitchen is usually destroyed by our amazing roast dinners! Needless to say they didn't happen - maybe we can do some baking tomorrow... (But I'm not a slave to my plan!)

24 Books

I'd hoped to get away with no book today as we had two yesterday, but Zoë was very keen! (I'm going to have to rewrap one of the earlier ones to make sure we have one for each day.) Today's book was Mr Men: Meet Father Christmas. I'm not entirely sure what Zoë believes about Father Christmas... We'll wait and see!

Lolly Sticks

'Bake and listen to Christmas music' - yeah right!! Oh well! But Zoë and I had a lovely time playing together whilst Caleb was asleep - who needs lolly sticks! We did some building:
And we also spent ages at the piano playing, reading and singing from The Snowman music book. It was fascinating trying to help Zoë to understand the music and how it corresponded to what I was doing on the piano. Her explanation was 'the piano is singing'.

Jesse Tree Story

I forgot to do tonight's story - oops! In trying to get two tired, still recovering, children fed and upstairs to bed by myself (Steve was working at church), the Bible was left downstairs! My plan is to have a lazy morning tomorrow before Zoë's nativity so we'll read the story of David wanting to build the temple then. I need to have a think about an activity about 'planning', though we may not have time for an activity as my little girl is going to be an angel tomorrow!

Mummy Time

I'm now curled up in an armchair in my fleecy pjs in a relatively tidy living room - bliss! Steve and the teens are outside enjoying a winter chimnea session - I'm not at all jealous in any way shape or form!

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