"They put a big tree in the middle of the living room and say "don't touch". Didn't work in the Garden of Eden and it's not going to work here." Honest Toddler

In the afternoon we headed off with some of our church to a local Care Home for the elderly and those suffering from dementia. We go once a month to take a simple church service, but this was the extra special carol service. It was so lovely to see some men and women who are really not with it come alive at the sound of a familiar carol. Our Advent Adventure Tin activity for today was to do something for someone less fortunate than yourself: I think this (as well as packing shoeboxes yesterday) fits this perfectly.
When we got home we had a fun afternoon colouring in Christmas cards for our friends. I think Steve may have coloured the most, but it was a chilled activity that everyone enjoyed.
Our From Creation to Christmas story was a sad one today as we read about how Adam and Eve were disobedient and ate the fruit that God had told them not to. We went on to talk about how we are disobedient, but more importantly how God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins. It was good to see them link the story we'd read with the reason for the celebration of Christmas!
Wrapped Books - to be updated when I find the book and remember what it was!!
Today we were given a gift of The One True Gift by Tim Chester. This book has 24 readings which I will probably use for my Advent Readings.
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