Monday, 4 December 2017

Advent 2017: 1 December

The 1st December always seems to come round so quickly after Zoë-Grace's birthday, but this year I am feeling pretty well prepared!

Today was an exciting day as we started the Real Advent Calendar before school - when else are you allowed to eat chocolate at breakfast!! It's also going to be a test to see how well Caleb can cope with dairy chocolate - eek!

For everything else we had to wait for Zoë-Grace to get back from school! Then we opened the Advent Box and discovered all the goodies... It was great fun and filled that awkward, tired hour (or two) between school and tea. As well as trying on new pyjamas and jumpers, and looking through all the craft and activity books, we also had a game of Hunt the Nativity. I had hidden all the characters from our Happyland Nativity set around our lounge (including Joseph behind some nail varnish). Once all the excitement was over we snuggled down with some hot chocolate (in our Christmas mugs) to watch The Polar Express which was our new film this year.

Before I tell you about our From Creation to Christmas story, I must give a massive shout-out to Teresa from King's Krafts who has made all our lovely felt ornaments - thank you. (I made the tree!) Our story today started at the very begnning of the Bible with the creation of the world. We talked about how we need lego bricks to make a lego creation, but God was able to make the world out of nothing! How amazing!

In all the excitement of the Advent Box we forgot to open one of our Wrapped Books today but that just means two for tomorrow!

We did remember to look at the first Advent Adventure Tin activity which was to put on Christmas jumpers and music and start the Christmas Party - I think we managed to do that quite well! I thought I'd use this to tell you about some of our favourite Christmas albums. First up we enjoy Colin Buchanan's King of Christmas - it has loads of great catchy songs for the children which are grounded in Biblical truth, though it is very Australian but that doesn't seem to bother my children.My favourite this year is John Rutter's Colours of Christmas - I just love the richness of the choral singing.

And as for me, for my Advent Readings, well, I've been too busy to decide today, but I have had a great day with my family!

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