Today has been a busy day, but a fun day. We have done lots but not done much... The day started with a visit to the GP for Zoë ("my wee wee hurts"), then on to Fishes toddler group, followed by Zoë's swimming lesson. The pool was freezing but we had good fun! After swimming we went out for lunch and a playdate with friends from swimming. P is a military child and is moving away next week so we decided to have a 'last' playdate together. The girls played so well together all afternoon at the RAF community centre soft play, and A and I just chatted.
(Sorry for the poor colour!) |
All this 'out-and-about' activity meant that very little was done at home on Advent stuff...
Jesse Tree Activity
We didn't do today's activity, but it would have been putting sad faces on our Paper Plate world. Maybe we'll do it tomorrow morning (depending on what time the children wake).
24 Books
Our book today was the amazing 'The Snowman and the Snowdog'. We bought this book last year and it came with a CD of the story, read by none other than Benedict Cumberbatch! I often play it for Zoë at bedtime and sit and listen to it with her...
Lolly Sticks
I was looking forward to today's lolly stick activity, but ran out of time so will reschedule it for another day. We were going to do some Christmas dancing; run like the gingerbread man, prance like a reindeer, twist like a candy cane, twirl like a snowflake etc.
Jesse Tree Story
Tonight's story was Abraham. God promised Abraham that he would have more descendants than stars in the sky - and one of those descendants will be Jesus. We had a guest at dinner tonight and it was lovely to see Zoë and her friend snuggled up on the settee listening to the Bible together.
Mummy Time
It't Thursday evening and I am tired! Caleb had been up til gone midnight last night and then I had to go and wash my hair (as I knew I wouldn't have time this morning). At least being out most of the day means there's not much washing up and tidying up to do... Hopefully I can get an early night. Now, where's my chocolate?
"Christmas is about the coming of Christ into the world. It’s about the Son of God, who existed eternally with the Father as “the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature,” taking on human nature and becoming man (Heb. 1: 3)."