Had a pretty good day today after a lie-in aided by painkillers! I took two big boxes of books to charity bookshop, one box of bits and bobs to charity shop, and an old broken gazebo and a lamp to the tip! I've also put up the Christmas lights, degunked the external drain (though I think we now need a plumber as it's still blocked) and cleaned the mould off the bathroom windows (after decluttering the windowsill of stuff). Steve also started listing a load of stuff in ebay today too.

Jesse Tree Activity
I've lost track of what I'm meant to be doing activity-wise, but we're spending time reading the Nativity story and chatting about the true meaning of Christmas which is what the whole point of the Jesse Tree is.
24 Books
Caleb opened the book today - it was a lovely set of six books retelling the Christmas story.
Lolly Sticks
I was meant to get the salt-dough handprints made today, but was busy doing my jobs! Will reschedule it for Monday which should give us time to paint on Tuesday and give to grandparents on Thursday! Nothing like leaving it to the last minute!
Jesse Tree Story
Steve read the story of the Wise Men last night and highlighted the prophecy in Micah 5:2 that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem.
Mummy Time
My time this evening was spent ironing!! Great fun, but I did get to watch The Holiday at the same time.
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