Sunday, 21 December 2014
Advent: 20 December
Had a pretty good day today after a lie-in aided by painkillers! I took two big boxes of books to charity bookshop, one box of bits and bobs to charity shop, and an old broken gazebo and a lamp to the tip! I've also put up the Christmas lights, degunked the external drain (though I think we now need a plumber as it's still blocked) and cleaned the mould off the bathroom windows (after decluttering the windowsill of stuff). Steve also started listing a load of stuff in ebay today too.
Jesse Tree Activity
I've lost track of what I'm meant to be doing activity-wise, but we're spending time reading the Nativity story and chatting about the true meaning of Christmas which is what the whole point of the Jesse Tree is.24 Books
Caleb opened the book today - it was a lovely set of six books retelling the Christmas story.Lolly Sticks
I was meant to get the salt-dough handprints made today, but was busy doing my jobs! Will reschedule it for Monday which should give us time to paint on Tuesday and give to grandparents on Thursday! Nothing like leaving it to the last minute!Jesse Tree Story
Steve read the story of the Wise Men last night and highlighted the prophecy in Micah 5:2 that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem.Mummy Time
My time this evening was spent ironing!! Great fun, but I did get to watch The Holiday at the same time.Advent: 19 December
Friday started very early and we were up doing craft by 8am! Thank you to Grandma and Grandpa for the hairband kit - we loved making it and wearing it.
For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
I've been thinking of activities and next year would probably do something relating to names...
Jesse Tree Activity
Yesterday's story (which I didn't do) was Isaiah 9:6:For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
I've been thinking of activities and next year would probably do something relating to names...
24 Books
Today's book was a simple retelling of the Nativity story. Zoë's learning to 'read' to herself and it's lovely listening to her.Lolly Sticks
Today's stick suggested 'Go to the zoo', but we decided to go to Waddesdon with friends instead. It was another cold evening, but we had lots of fun!Jesse Tree Story
Another amazing verse for the 'story' this evening and Steve was out at the Youth Group, leaving me to try and work out what he had planned...They told him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for so it is written by the prophet:
“‘And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,
are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;
for from you shall come a ruler
who will shepherd my people Israel.’”
Matthew 2:5-6
Mummy Time
Tonight was spent catching up on my blog posts from this week! Sorry I've let things slip... I've been trying to catch up on life and have just run out of time to write. But here they are now!Advent: 18 December
It's Zoë's Preschool Christmas party today! What a week it's been... first Nativity and first Christmas Party - my baby is growing up. She as slightly thrown by going to preschool in the afternoon and wanted Caleb and me to stay with her, but she quickly settled and had a great time. After dropping her off Caleb and I nipped of to the shops to get the last few presents - it's so much easier shopping with only a baby!!
But we finished decorating the tree which was great fun.
Jesse Tree Activity
No activity today as we didn't have a story last night! Slightly relieved as I don't know what I would have done... Will have to have a rethink for next year!24 Books
We forgot to open a book today which is good as we're a bit short after they both opened one a few days ago.Lolly Sticks
Today's activity is Watch a Christmas Film, which we did yesterday. I'm not entirely sure Zoë fully grasped the film Nativity so it's probably going to go away for a few years! I can't wait to get her to watch Arthur Christmas next week...But we finished decorating the tree which was great fun.
Jesse Tree Story
Tonight's story was meant to be Isaiah 9:6:For to us a child is born,This is an amazing verse, but the list was downstairs and I was all curled up on the chair with Zoë and her Bible, so we read the story of Naaman instead!
to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
When we planned this section of the journey from Creation to Christmas it was a long time in the furture and we didn't really think about how we were going to teach or apply it. It's now here and we still don't really have a plan!
A final picture of Caleb showing his speed walking!
Mummy Time
I've finished the Christmas cards!! Woop woop!! Now just need to declutter, tidy up and wrap the presents... A mummy's job is never done!A final picture of Caleb showing his speed walking!
Advent: 17 December
Happy 10 month birthday to my little man!
Wednesday is normally Zoë's preschool day but we swapped days so she will attend the Christmas Party tomorrow. As we had a bonus day we decided to go on an adventure into town on the bus! I had a Christmas shopping list but was quite relaxed about how much actual shopping would get done! As well as a bus ride, we also had lunch out at McDonalds...
Jesse Tree Activity
The activity linked to the story of Ahab was to squish grapes - my husband's idea!! As we didn't do the story last night then we didn't need to squish grapes!24 Books
Hmmm... can't remember what today's book was! That's the problem with writing up several days later!Lolly Sticks
I had hoped that I could get Zoë to chose a Christmas present for Caleb whilst we were in town, but she didn't see anything she wanted to get. I have already got something for her to give to him, but was trying to encourage her to think of someone else and chose a present for them.Today was also the day that we finally started to decorate the tree! First of all it involved rearranging the living room and hoovering underneath and behind sofas which hadn't moved in a while!
Jesse Tree Story
Tonight's story is the beginning of a few prophecies from the Old Testament about Jesus' birth. Now, these are amazing prophecies but they've proved to be quite tricky to tell as a story to a 3 year old!"He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever." 2 Samuel 7:13
Mummy Time
I went out to the mid-week Bible study this evening - it was great to get out and meet with other adults. A quote about Christmas was read out at the beginning of the evening and I'd like to share it with you now (thank you Tim!):There are few things tougher than trying to find fresh material at Christmas, but Thomas Watson strikes gold again on the incarnation:
''He was poor, that he might make us rich.
He was born of a virgin that we might be born of God.
He took our flesh, that he might give us His Spirit.
He lay in the manger, that we may lie in paradise.
He came down from heaven, that he might bring us to heaven....
That the ancient of Days should be born.
that he who thunders in the heavens should cry in the cradle....
that he who rules the stars should suck the breast;
that a virgin should conceive;
that Christ should be made of a woman, and of that woman which himself made,
that the branch should bear the vine,
that the mother should be younger than the child she bare,
and the child in the womb bigger than the mother;
that the human nature should not be God, yet one with God."
Christ taking flesh is a mystery we shall never fully understand till we come to heaven.
Advent: 16 December
Tuesday have always been our quiet day and after a busy Monday it was even more important to have a PJ day!
Jesse Tree Activity
We did some 'temple' building with our blocks to reinforce the story of Solomon building the temple.24 Books
Today's book was a lovely little cardboard book called Follow the star, which tells the story of the Nativity from the Wise Men's perspective.Lolly Sticks
We had to write Christmas cards today. Zoë enjoyed colouring her cards and writing her name inside! She was very proud of her work and even said "We doing a good job today Mummy!"Jesse Tree Story
Today's story was meant to be Ahab and the vineyard, but we didn't manage a story this evening.Mummy Time
I learnt four key lessons today:
Lesson #1 - disposable nappies don't need washing and make a huge mess of the machine!
Lesson #2 - felt tip pen comes off funky foam when chewed by a baby! Said baby now looks like a goth with black 'lipstick'!
Lesson #3 disposable nappies spread a long way! Two loads later and there's still residue!
Lesson #4 if you are going shopping it's crucial to take your purse!
Maybe tomorrow will be better?!
Lesson #2 - felt tip pen comes off funky foam when chewed by a baby! Said baby now looks like a goth with black 'lipstick'!
Lesson #3 disposable nappies spread a long way! Two loads later and there's still residue!
Lesson #4 if you are going shopping it's crucial to take your purse!
Maybe tomorrow will be better?!
Advent: 15 December
Today needed to be a quiet morning as we had Zoë's first Nativity in the afternoon! So we pottered and played, before an early lunch and then making Zoë look angelic!
After the Nativity we went to our local coffee shop for a hot chocolate and cake, and then popped round to play with one of her best friends.
After the Nativity we went to our local coffee shop for a hot chocolate and cake, and then popped round to play with one of her best friends.
Jesse Tree Activity
Last night's story was about David planning to build the temple. We didn't manage an activity related to the story, but had a nicely busy day!24 Books
Caleb got to open the book today as Zoë was busy watching Postman Pat!
Lolly Sticks
Our lolly stick activity was to Decorate the tree, but as we had a busy day I decided to leave it for tomorrow. Instead we made chocolate carrots!Jesse Tree Story
This evening's story is Solomon builds the temple. So tomorrow we'll be doing some building.Mummy Time
Happy 2nd Anniversary to my sister and her husband! Zoë loves her bridesmaid dress and has worn it regularly for the last two years! I've no idea what is going to happen when the dress is too small...![]() |
Zoë wearing her pink dress aged 1 |
Zoë wearing the same dress aged 3! |
Sunday, 14 December 2014
Advent: 14 December
Something that I have been taught this week is that plans are there to help me and I am not a slave to them!
It doesn't matter that we've not done the stories that we planned.
It doesn't matter that we've not done the related activities.
It doesn't matter that we've not done the Lolly Stick activities.
What does matter is that we've looked after each other and tried, as best as we can, to enjoy each others company and keep our focus on God. I've struggled health-wise, which means I've struggled with family dynamics and have been grumpier than usual, but we've ended our days with hugs and prayers.
It doesn't matter that we've not done the stories that we planned.
It doesn't matter that we've not done the related activities.
It doesn't matter that we've not done the Lolly Stick activities.
What does matter is that we've looked after each other and tried, as best as we can, to enjoy each others company and keep our focus on God. I've struggled health-wise, which means I've struggled with family dynamics and have been grumpier than usual, but we've ended our days with hugs and prayers.
Jesse Tree Activity
I was probably slightly optimistic in planning to back Crown Biscuits (related to David being anointed as king) on a Sunday afternoon as time is limited and the kitchen is usually destroyed by our amazing roast dinners! Needless to say they didn't happen - maybe we can do some baking tomorrow... (But I'm not a slave to my plan!)24 Books
I'd hoped to get away with no book today as we had two yesterday, but Zoë was very keen! (I'm going to have to rewrap one of the earlier ones to make sure we have one for each day.) Today's book was Mr Men: Meet Father Christmas. I'm not entirely sure what Zoë believes about Father Christmas... We'll wait and see!Lolly Sticks
'Bake and listen to Christmas music' - yeah right!! Oh well! But Zoë and I had a lovely time playing together whilst Caleb was asleep - who needs lolly sticks! We did some building:
And we also spent ages at the piano playing, reading and singing from The Snowman music book. It was fascinating trying to help Zoë to understand the music and how it corresponded to what I was doing on the piano. Her explanation was 'the piano is singing'.
Jesse Tree Story
I forgot to do tonight's story - oops! In trying to get two tired, still recovering, children fed and upstairs to bed by myself (Steve was working at church), the Bible was left downstairs! My plan is to have a lazy morning tomorrow before Zoë's nativity so we'll read the story of David wanting to build the temple then. I need to have a think about an activity about 'planning', though we may not have time for an activity as my little girl is going to be an angel tomorrow!Mummy Time
I'm now curled up in an armchair in my fleecy pjs in a relatively tidy living room - bliss! Steve and the teens are outside enjoying a winter chimnea session - I'm not at all jealous in any way shape or form!Advent: 13 December
Sorry this is late - we broke down and then I was helping Steve in the kitchen and chatting before going to bed. Time together is so important! Anyway, here it is now...
Jesse Tree Activity
Make bread... oh no, no way! Zoë is much better, but I'm still flaky and tired so decided to indefinitely postpone the bread and watch a Christmassy film instead whilst Steve was at work. It was a very cute freebie from a charity shop called 'O Christmas Tree'.24 Books
Two books today as Zoë and Caleb both chose one (and I didn't have the heart to disappoint either of them!)Lolly Sticks
We had planned to decorate our Christmas Tree today but decided it was too much especially as we needed to get ready to go out to some Christmas Nibbles at friends' house. Not sure when the tree will now be done as I'd wanted it to be a family activity?!Jesse Tree Story
Tonight's story was meant to be David anointed as king, but a late night due to breaking down in the Tesco carpark whilst grabbing some nappies meant no story at all as both Zoë and Caleb were shattered.Mummy Time
I had the loveliest longest shower! After an illness I find a good hot shower to be one of the best cures - Steve even said I look better.Friday, 12 December 2014
Advent: 12 December
Woo hoo! I'm cautiously optimistic that we're coming to the end of the stomach bug... Zoë has definitely been brighter today and Caleb is getting his sparkle back. I'm ever so tired, but don't feel unwell any more... We had a friend come and help today (thank you so much 'Heva') which was a life-saver as I would not have coped with two energetic children. In between my rests we did manage to do a few activities, so here they are:
Zoë enjoyed looking out of the window with her telescope...
The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. Abraham was the father of Isaac, and Isaac the father of Jacob, and Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers, and Judah the father of Perez and Zerah by Tamar, and Perez the father of Hezron, and Hezron the father of Ram, and Ram the father of Amminadab, and Amminadab the father of Nahshon, and Nahshon the father of Salmon, and Salmon the father of Boaz by Rahab, and Boaz the father of Obed by Ruth, and Obed the father of Jesse, and Jesse the father of David the king.
Jesse Tree Activity
We had three story activities to chose from - Caleb, Joshua and Gideon. We went for Caleb as the activity was make a telescope (to signify spying the land) which seemed easier than something to do with trumpets or jars!Zoë enjoyed looking out of the window with her telescope...
24 Books
Today's book was Father Christmas goes on holiday by Raymond Briggs - Heather tried to read it to Zoë but apparently it contains quite a lot of French! I also discovered that two books were opened yesterday as Daddy did an opening too. The second book was a Snowman set of four word books.Lolly Sticks
No idea what this was today - we didn't do anything extra!Jesse Tree Story
Tonight's story is one of my favourites; the story of Ruth. Not only is it a beautiful love story, but Ruth is also a key character in the genealogy of Jesus. She's one of only five women mentioned in the genealogy in the book of Matthew!Thursday, 11 December 2014
Advent: 11 December
Advent has been suspended today as I have been hit with the gastric bug!! Zoë and Caleb have spent the day with Daddy while I have been curled up in bed.
Time to log off and rest again... Hopefully see you tomorrow with some more activities preparing us for Christmas. Only 13 days to go!!
24 Books
This was the only activity they did today and Zoë got to open another favourite, Zoe and Beans: Zoe's Christmas List. She loves the Zoe and Beans books and really identifies with the little girl in the stories. I can totally imagine our Zoë attempting a trip to the North Pole to give her letter to Father Christmas!!Time to log off and rest again... Hopefully see you tomorrow with some more activities preparing us for Christmas. Only 13 days to go!!
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Advent: 10 December
Today has been a sad day in our house, as Caleb is still unwell and has passed his gastric bug onto Zoë. So far Steve and I have escaped being infected... We had an interesting night and day, and I'm now exhausted!
![]() |
What more does a poorly girl need?! |
Jesse Tree Activity
Today's activity was meant to be making a telescope to represent Joshua and Caleb spying out the land, but Zoë was too unwell to do anything crafty. I'm hoping we'll be able to play catch up over the next couple of days whilst we're in the 48 hour quarantine.24 Books
We did open a book today but didn't read it. :( We'll read Mr Men: The Night Before Christmas soon, when they're ready to enjoy it.Lolly Sticks
Our activity today was 'Write Christmas Cards' - again we'll catch up soon!Jesse Tree Story
Zoë perked up when Daddy came home from work and they enjoyed a long bedtime storytime together. Today's story is Joshua and the Israelites enter Jericho - taking the land that God promised to Jacob.Mummy Time
Yawn... I am shattered today! Lots of washing, changing clothes and cuddles... Fun! But it's now 8.45pm and I'm snuggled on the sofa with my cards and I will write them today. Bye. :)Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Advent: 9 December
Today has been a fun day as Grandma and Grandad came to visit us! This does mean that most of our time was spent with them rather than doing our activities. Not many photos either, but I thought I'd share this one of my beautiful pickles!
Caleb's surprised by the flash! |
Jesse Tree Activity
I had wondered whether I'd have time to do a Passover plate with Zoë to show her some of the foods eaten in the traditional passover meal, but it didn't happen today. I have the foods so will see if we have time tomorrow.24 Books
We didn't have a new book today as a consequence for some poor behaviour yesterday. :( Looking forward to a new one tomorrow!Lolly Sticks
We were meant to be colouring in Christmas cards today so that we could give them to Grandma and Grandad to take back to family, but only one was half coloured in before Zoë got distracted by other things! Oh well, I'm sure we'll find time to get some more coloured in...Jesse Tree Story
Tonight's story was told by Grandad. Up to now the stories have all been pointing to the coming of Jesus, but tonight we added in a special story, that of Joshua and Caleb spying out the land of Canaan (which was promised to Jacob in our story a few days ago). Unfortunately our own little Caleb was too poorly to join in story time as he seems to have caught a gastric bug. Really hoping that it doesn't spread to the rest of us!Mummy Time
Still no Christmas cards written... :( But I have caught up with this blog and dealt with the sicked on washing! Time for bed now as I'm predicting a busy night... Yawn!
Advent: 8 December
Some days just don't go to plan... This post is a day late as I had to do our weekly on-line food shop and then Caleb decided he wanted some extra night time cuddles! Anyway, here we are now!
"God's people would always remember this great rescue and call it 'Passover'. But an even Greater Rescue was coming. Many years later, God was going to do it again. He was going to come down once more to rescue his people. But this time God was going to set them free forever and ever." (The Jesus Storybook Bible)
Jesse Tree Activity
Thank you for ideas! Ended up doing a painting as we had lots of red paint left over from our lolly stick activity. But I loved the ideas of putting a candle in a jar with tissue paper stuck on and a candle stained glass window. Here's the final masterpiece:24 Books
Today's book is a lovely one, but I think it's misnamed. In my opinion 'Baby's first Christmas Storybook' is more aimed at toddlers as it contains four stories, including The Nutcracker, and four songs to sing together. It was meant to be Caleb's turn to open the present, but Zoë just couldn't help herself and wanted to help him!Lolly Sticks
Our lolly stick said 'Decorate biscuits', but we decided to decorated the salt dough stars we made last week. I gave Zoë complete freedom to chose colours; though I really wanted to paint them gold and silver with gold and silver glitter! We've ended up with some beautiful colour combinations:Jesse Tree Story
We read the well-known story of Moses and the 10 plagues."God's people would always remember this great rescue and call it 'Passover'. But an even Greater Rescue was coming. Many years later, God was going to do it again. He was going to come down once more to rescue his people. But this time God was going to set them free forever and ever." (The Jesus Storybook Bible)
Mummy Time
I really needed to start my Christmas cards (with mince pies, hot spiced apple and christmas film), but unfortunately our food shop was more urgent and then Caleb wanted some mummy time. So yet again cards are not done.Sunday, 7 December 2014
Advent: 7 December
"Mummy, is it Christmas today? Mummy, is it snowing? Mummy, is it my birthday?" And so starts my day!
Sundays are always a busy day in our house and today was no different. Steve was up and out of the house by 7.30am as he was preaching down in Watford and needed to prepare, and Zoë and Caleb had been up in the night several times each, so I wasn't fully refreshed after a good night's sleep - what is one of those?? I had to get all of us up, dressed, fed, then get the dinner on (always a roast on a Sunday) and get to church early to help set up for crèche. It was chaos, but we arrived on time with smiles on our faces; probably breakfast still there too and Zoë's hair wasn't brushed! We had a lovely morning once we'd arrived; I told the Christmas Story from the perspective of the Wise Men to five very attentive little girls who joined in the actions and remembered the story afterwards too! Success! :D
Our activity to reinforce this story was a visit to a playground where there are plenty of ladders! Zoë is a little climber and we frequently visit playgrounds to burn off some of her excess energy. Today she climbed ropes, a mini climbing wall and learnt how to do hopscotch.
I honestly have no idea at the moment what activity I can do with a 3 year old which will reinforce this story! The idea of playing with fire is scary to say the least!! All ideas welcome!
Sundays are always a busy day in our house and today was no different. Steve was up and out of the house by 7.30am as he was preaching down in Watford and needed to prepare, and Zoë and Caleb had been up in the night several times each, so I wasn't fully refreshed after a good night's sleep - what is one of those?? I had to get all of us up, dressed, fed, then get the dinner on (always a roast on a Sunday) and get to church early to help set up for crèche. It was chaos, but we arrived on time with smiles on our faces; probably breakfast still there too and Zoë's hair wasn't brushed! We had a lovely morning once we'd arrived; I told the Christmas Story from the perspective of the Wise Men to five very attentive little girls who joined in the actions and remembered the story afterwards too! Success! :D
Jesse Tree Activity
We did yesterday's story at lunch today and then did the activity immediately after. The story was about Jacob and his dream, where he sees angels going up and down the staircase/ladder. Again God promises Jacob (as he has promised Abraham and Isaac) that "Your descendants will be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south. All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring." Genesis 28:14 This is exciting as Jesus is one of Jacob's descendants and it is through his birth and death that all peoples will be blessed.Our activity to reinforce this story was a visit to a playground where there are plenty of ladders! Zoë is a little climber and we frequently visit playgrounds to burn off some of her excess energy. Today she climbed ropes, a mini climbing wall and learnt how to do hopscotch.
24 Books
Our book today was another Mr Men one - The 12 days of Christmas. Mr Muddle has a plan to try and remember correctly which day is Christmas and gives presents to his friends on the 25th of each month. But his plan is foiled by Mr Wrong...Lolly Sticks
After our cold trip to the playground we came home, put warm clothes on and drank hot chocolate. (That was today's dairy treat for me!) I then got our Nativity Set out and we played with it while setting it up. I'm looking forward to retelling the story lots over the next 18 days using this characters.Zoë wearing her 'cosy' |
Jesse Tree Story
Tonight's story was the call of Moses. God speaks directly to Moses through a Burning Bush which despite being on fire doesn't burn up! He is told to go back to Egypt to help rescue the Israelites who are enslaved by the evil Pharoah.I honestly have no idea at the moment what activity I can do with a 3 year old which will reinforce this story! The idea of playing with fire is scary to say the least!! All ideas welcome!
Mummy Time
I remembered to light my two candles this afternoon as today is the second Sunday in Advent. The candles are behind the fire guard as the children were still up when I lit them. It is slowly dawning on me that there are now only two more weekends til Christmas - I really need to get myself in gear and get card writing and present buying and food buying! But for now, I'm pausing and remembering what it's all about: "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." Luke 19:10Saturday, 6 December 2014
Advent: 6 December
I love Saturday and today was no different... A lovely family day!
Jesse Tree Activity
We caught up with last night's story this morning before heading out to another 3rd birthday party (it's the season for 3rd birthday parties at the moment!). Our story was Isaac and Rebekah getting married; we knew that God made a similar promise to Isaac as to Abraham (more descendants than stars in sky) and thought it was more descendants than sand on beach, but it was the other way round! Should check our facts before planning our stories and activities! Anyway, we did the labels for Abraham and Isaac and hung them on the Jesse Tree. And I tried to get Zoë to do a picture of a beach but she wasn't interested in craft today.24 Books
Today the result of the lucky dip was my favourite, The Snowman! We've read it, listened to it and watched it today...Lolly Sticks
Our activity today was (a carefully chosen) 'Look at Christmas lights'. As it was a Saturday I'd suggested that we visited Waddesdon Manor for the Christmas Market and the artistic lights 'Winter Light at Waddesdon' by Bruce Munro. Now, I have to admit that I'm not hugely into my art and I did find some of the exhibits less than interesting! But the Christmas trees around the outside of the house were stunning (photo doesn't really do it justice).Jesse Tree Story
After a long day the children were too tired for stories again and went straight to bed after dinner. I'll try and catch up with the story of Jacob tomorrow morning before church and then read Moses in the evening. I'm learning that flexibility is key with toddlers as some evenings are just not conducive to story times!Mummy Time
Mummy Time was Family Time today as we visited the Christmas Market at Waddesdon Manor. It was very cold, but I had my own personal hot water bottle all afternoon!
Since getting home I've done some ironing (to warm up) and am now curled up with a blanket watching The Reichenbach Fall (I love a bit of Sherlock!) I've just enjoyed my first bar of chocolate since May! I had to give up eating dairy as Caleb is intolerant and I was breastfeeding, but as I've now had to give up due to heart medication I need to start taking, I'm able to start re-eating dairy. The reality of a Cadbury Wispa Caramel bar is as good as my memory!
Friday, 5 December 2014
Advent: 5 December
I finally got round to cooking my Maple-Mustard Pulled Pork today having forgotten to put it in the oven early enough for the last two days!! It has been lovely smelling the rich aroma all day; it's a shame I can't share the smell with you!
We also did some Christmas dancing (yesterday's activity), well Zoë did while I put clothes away.
I was optimistic at 6.15pm that both children were asleep, but in reality it didn't happen til 7.30pm! My kitchen is tidied and I'm now watching On Her Majesty's Secret Service while writing this and about to start my Christmas cards,
Jesse Tree Activity
God told Abraham he would have as many descendents as stars in the sky, so today's activity was based around stars. I had a few ideas depending on how Zoë was after her toddler group; she was happy and calm so we made salt dough stars. We added a little bit of cinnamon to make them smell Christmassy. Ok, Zoë added quite a lot of cinnamon, but as the Best Before Date was in 2008 it wasn't actually that strong! I really need to go through my herbs and spices and check the other Best Before Dates...24 Books
We had a new book today. I'd found an immaculate copy of Dear Santa at a recent NCT sale; following the same pattern as Dear Zoo. It was lovely watching Zoë 'read' it to herself. I'm trying to encourage her to read books herself and am showing her how she can look at the pictures to follow the storyline.Lolly Sticks
Today's activity was "Craft and listen to Christmas music" - how do I do it?! We had Mr Buble blasting out while we were making our stars.We also did some Christmas dancing (yesterday's activity), well Zoë did while I put clothes away.
Jesse Tree Story
We didn't manage to fit our story in tonight as both Zoë and Caleb were tired and crying, and Steve was out at church youth group. We'll catch up tomorrow, as well as doing the label for Abraham and Isaac stories.Mummy Time
I've managed to spend some time today getting all our clothes put away; we've had piles of clean clothes waiting. And I've changed our sheets - I love clean sheets! Can't wait to go to bed now!I was optimistic at 6.15pm that both children were asleep, but in reality it didn't happen til 7.30pm! My kitchen is tidied and I'm now watching On Her Majesty's Secret Service while writing this and about to start my Christmas cards,
A bonus photo of my cheeky little man! |
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Advent: 4 December
Today has been a busy day, but a fun day. We have done lots but not done much... The day started with a visit to the GP for Zoë ("my wee wee hurts"), then on to Fishes toddler group, followed by Zoë's swimming lesson. The pool was freezing but we had good fun! After swimming we went out for lunch and a playdate with friends from swimming. P is a military child and is moving away next week so we decided to have a 'last' playdate together. The girls played so well together all afternoon at the RAF community centre soft play, and A and I just chatted.
All this 'out-and-about' activity meant that very little was done at home on Advent stuff...
(Sorry for the poor colour!) |
All this 'out-and-about' activity meant that very little was done at home on Advent stuff...
Jesse Tree Activity
We didn't do today's activity, but it would have been putting sad faces on our Paper Plate world. Maybe we'll do it tomorrow morning (depending on what time the children wake).24 Books
Our book today was the amazing 'The Snowman and the Snowdog'. We bought this book last year and it came with a CD of the story, read by none other than Benedict Cumberbatch! I often play it for Zoë at bedtime and sit and listen to it with her...Lolly Sticks
I was looking forward to today's lolly stick activity, but ran out of time so will reschedule it for another day. We were going to do some Christmas dancing; run like the gingerbread man, prance like a reindeer, twist like a candy cane, twirl like a snowflake etc.Jesse Tree Story
Tonight's story was Abraham. God promised Abraham that he would have more descendants than stars in the sky - and one of those descendants will be Jesus. We had a guest at dinner tonight and it was lovely to see Zoë and her friend snuggled up on the settee listening to the Bible together.Mummy Time
It't Thursday evening and I am tired! Caleb had been up til gone midnight last night and then I had to go and wash my hair (as I knew I wouldn't have time this morning). At least being out most of the day means there's not much washing up and tidying up to do... Hopefully I can get an early night. Now, where's my chocolate?Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Advent: 3 December
Do you find that sometimes things just work? Today has been a bit like that! The Jesse Tree activity linked with the Lolly Stick activity, and Caleb had a good sleep giving me more one-on-one time with Zoë. Today was also an attempt at a screen-free day; my laptop, tablet and phone were all put away when I was with the children, and Zoë only watched 2 episodes of Peter Rabbit while I was clearing up lunch and putting Caleb down for his nap. A reduction in TV has a huge effect on the atmosphere in our house so this is something I want to keep up.
So, onto today...
Today's activity was about people. We added some people to our paper plate worlds and then went and made some Gingerbread Men. (I have to confess to a mummy-fail here - they were just biscuit men as I've run out of ginger powder!! Oops!)
As I mentioned above our Gingerbread Men were made out of a vanilla biscuit recipe from my Be-Ro cookbook due to the lack of ginger. We also made butterflies, stars, snowmen and unicorns - and God made all of them! Once we'd finished cutting out the biscuits Zoë continued to play with the dough - she rolled it on the floor, on her hair, on Caleb's hair etc. Nice!
Are you wondering who the lucky old person was who got a biscuit from my gorgeous cook? I asked Zoë who she wanted to give it to and she said Baby E - a friend's newly adopted 18 month old daughter! Oh well, you can't argue with a 3 year old! Baby E seemed very happy and her Mum was very touched so it all ends well.
So, onto today...
Jesse Tree Activity
Before doing today's activity we needed to make the label for the Jesse Tree; Zoë drew a pink Eve and a grey Adam to represent 'God made people'.Today's activity was about people. We added some people to our paper plate worlds and then went and made some Gingerbread Men. (I have to confess to a mummy-fail here - they were just biscuit men as I've run out of ginger powder!! Oops!)
24 Books
Our book today was the Mr Men 'A Christmas Carol'; starring Mr Mean as Ebenezer Scrooge, Mr Happy as Bob Cratchit and Mr Nosey, Little Miss Wise and Little Miss Bossy as the three ghosts! A great book which actually sticks pretty close to the original storyline...Lolly Sticks
Our activity today was Bake for an old person. Given that Zoë thinks she's an 'old girl' as she's now 3 it gave us quite a wide range of people we could give to...As I mentioned above our Gingerbread Men were made out of a vanilla biscuit recipe from my Be-Ro cookbook due to the lack of ginger. We also made butterflies, stars, snowmen and unicorns - and God made all of them! Once we'd finished cutting out the biscuits Zoë continued to play with the dough - she rolled it on the floor, on her hair, on Caleb's hair etc. Nice!
Are you wondering who the lucky old person was who got a biscuit from my gorgeous cook? I asked Zoë who she wanted to give it to and she said Baby E - a friend's newly adopted 18 month old daughter! Oh well, you can't argue with a 3 year old! Baby E seemed very happy and her Mum was very touched so it all ends well.
Jesse Tree Story
Tonight's story was the fall - where Adam and Eve disobey God and are banished from the Garden of Eden. It's been helpful to explain to Zoë about disobedience and consequences.Mummy Time
Both children were asleep by 7pm so I've enjoyed writing this blog whilst watching Masterchef: The Professionals, oh and eating a hot chocolate fondant pudding! Looking forward to watching The Apprentice and later reading my Advent Devotional.
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