Bible Verse and Word:
This year's Bible verse is:
"The joy of the Lord is my strength." Nehemiah 8:10
My word of the year is joy. What is joy? Is it the same as happiness or different? Over the year I am planning on digging a bit deeper into this word and what the Bible has to say about it. I'm also excited about doing some linguistic work and looking at joy in the original languages (שִׂמְחָה [simchah] in Hebrew and χαρά [chara] in Greek).
No-spend January (and more?)

I have already had two opportunities come up:
- first, the book club which I have joined has set a book to read which I don't own. Normally I would pop onto Amazon and buy a copy which would arrive next day. But I couldn't do that this time and I was floored! Until someone suggested a radical solution called 'a library' - you know, that building which lends out books for free (unless you incur a fine for late return). Perfect! And what a reminder to me that I don't always need to spend money.
- secondly, I need a radiator key to bleed a couple of radiators which don't seem to be working very efficiently. Again, I turn to the internet and spot a key which costs a couple of pounds... But I don't do it and ask on Facebook for someone to lend (or give) me one. Instead I get an offer of someone to come round and do it all for me, and in return I offer my husband's services to have a quick look at a child's bike which needs repairing. No money spent and two people have receive help.
I am actually quite excited about finding ways around my 'no-spend' January! Any tips to help me?
40 before 40
My big plan for 2018 links in with a challenge that I am setting myself. In March 2019 I will be turning 40 and Steve and I have decided that it'd be a great idea to have a '40before40' list of 40 things I need to do or achieve before my birthday. I am in the process of compiling a list and will share it at the end of the month when the final list is decided, but there are some exciting things finding their way onto that list... What would you put on your list?
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