Looking back (very belatedly!)
The older I get, the more of parenting that I do, the more I realise that I need to be flexibly organised! As a stay at home mum (SAHM) it's easy for days and weeks to pass, and for me to look back and think 'what have I actually done?' Now, I know that the children are alive, dressed and fed, and the house is in a semblance of tidiness, and I have taken them to swimming, ballet and toddlers, as well as days out to the zoo and parks... But, it's nice to also have some key events that we can look back on!
A year ago I posted my plans and aims for 2015... Did I manage to keep them? Mostly, though moving house half-way through the year did bring disruption as we started new activities and found new places to play and explore. So, here's an update on my three 'plans':
We had planned to teach Zoë and Caleb Bible verses from each letter of the alphabet, but I didn't plan far enough ahead and soon this fizzled out. But they did learn 4 verses which is better than none!
Mummy Time
My daily Bible reading is still hugely sporadic and something I continually strive to improve on. As well as trying the
5 minute New Testament, I have also tried reading some books and using
Explore notes (from The Good Book Company).
I have been working hard to finish
A Mom After God's Own Heart and am very nearly there, with just the last few study questions to finish. It has been a great book to read and I have taken away so many encouragements in how to be the best mum that I can. I definitely recommend this book, plus the extra study book to any mum's reading this!!
A verse for the year
I love this habit of choosing a verse and then learning it throughout the year. I had 4 verses; one for each member of our family and they were written onto cut outs of our hands.
Looking forward
2015 was a big year of change for us as a family and 2016 promises to continue to be full of change too... I'm pleased that although everything changes around me "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." We're involved in a new church (6 months after starting at this 'new' church), Steve is planning on changing his day off which will affect us all, and Zoë will be starting full time school in September. I want to make the most of the time that I have with her
We've been getting into a good Bible reading routine with Zoë and Caleb. Steve has been reading a verse from a Psalm each day and both children have been doing really well at remembering it. We also ask each other 'what do you want to thank God for today?'. This is always a special time as we share the highlights from our day.
Time with children 1-2-1
Me time (re-named from Mummy Time)
"Taking care of myself doesn't mean 'me first' it means 'me, too.'" L.R. Knost, Two Thousand Kisses A DayBooks
- Finish A Mom After God's Own Heart
- Hands Free Mama
Friday walk
Verses for the year
Grow #oneword365
We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work,
growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father,who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. Colossians 1:9-12