But this year feels a little different to me... it may be because we're now slowly edging into the world of terms and preschools, or because I'm just more practiced at filling in my empty diary with events, activities and playdates! I am actually looking forward to creating a new six week routine that we can enjoy together...
So, I started by writing a nice pretty colourful list of places to visit and activities to do on an A3 sheet of paper. I've done this for a few seasons now and find it a really helpful way of coming up with ideas. Most of the ideas are very simple and standard but it's nice to have a list to look at when I have the blank moment of 'what shall we do today/tomorrow?' I then asked Zoë what she wanted to do and added them to the list (ideas included 'go on a bus' and 'sleep in a tent'), and finally I asked on a FB group for local ideas of places and events as we've just moved house and I didn't want to miss anything we could walk to... And here is our list:
The second phase in my summer holiday organisation is to have a calendar up so we can pop in date-specific events (such as the kite festival on Dunstable Downs next weekend). I now have two visual reminders of things we can do and when we can do them, and this makes me feel much happier!
I've also been looking through a book I bought recently called Play Through The Bible by Alice Buckley and I'm hoping to do a story a week. This book includes lots of ideas for helping toddlers to remember the Bible story. I'm been thinking that I might be able to combine some of the stories with ideas off our list.
So all in all I'm quite excited about the next six weeks, oh, but first we need to finish the term... Roll on Thursday!!