I've realised that I haven't blogged about the last two verses that we've been learning with Zoë, so here is our C verse.
Alphabet Verses
Come near to God and he'll come near to you. James 4:8
We've been singing along to a Colin Buchanan song based on this verse which has really helped us to learn it. (CD is called 10, 9, 8 God is great)
Mummy Time

We had a lovely evening with friends recently. I'm suffering tiredness as a side effect of the new heart medication so the menu had to be very carefully planned to ensure that I wasn't worn out before people arrived. Starter was doritos and salsa, main course was jacket potatoes with a selection of toppings (chunky chilli, cheese, beans) and salad, and pudding was apple caramel crumble and chocolate brownie. It was all very yummy and we had lots of fun.
I'm continuing to enjoy reading A Mom After God's Own Heart - it's such a challenging read, but also so encouraging too. My daily Bible readings are going pretty well too as I'm making opportunities to do it rather than waiting for opportunities. It's also encouraging to aim for
regular reading rather than
daily reading as I'm not beating myself up about it again.
Other fun
A highlight of our week was Zoë's first proper haircut! She sat so still until the hairdresser turned her round to cut her fringe and Zoë launched into telling her all about Aunty Dizzy and Aunty James living in Peru and how Aunty James was stung by a stingray on his foot! The hairdresser didn't quite know what to say in response... :D Zoë loved getting her haircut and is looking forward to the next visit - which may be in a very long time as her hair grows very slowly.
We've also experienced our first snowfall of the winter! This has made all of us very happy!